Saturday, January 31, 2009

Feed My Starving Children

This morning Jacob and I along with my Mom, Matthew, and my Granda attended Feed My Starving Children. This is an amazing Christian organization that distributes nutritional food to more than 50 countries around the world. When we arrived at the warehouse we watched an amazing video that informed us of the food and water conditions around the world.
The story of Omar touched my heart.

Omar Before ~ When Omar arrived at malnourishment center in El Salvador, he was eight years old and incredibly fragile, weighing only 19 pounds.

Omar After ~ After eating Feed My Starving Children food for one and a half months, he weighed 33 pounds. At two months, he weighed an astounding 40 pounds. Omar represents a life saved.

For two hours today we packaged enough food to feed 41 children for one year.
Just one cup of FMSC food per day provides the nutrients a child needs to survive and thrive. The food we packaged contained ...

1. Rice - the most widely accepted grain around the world
2. Extruded soy nuggets - maximum protein at a low cost
3. 20 vitamins and minerals (with vegetarian chicken flavor) - nutrition & flavor
4. Dehydrated vegetables - nutrition & flavor
In order to prepare this mixture you just need to add boiling water.
Each meal costs only 17 cents to produce.
It was an amazing morning surrounded by Christian men, women, and children. If you have an oppertunity please check out their website and get a group together and donate your time.

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