~ Scary but true ... I only purchased 1 nursing bra because I wasn't sure how long I would nurse Little Miss for. 11 months later I am still nursing and wearing the same bra. {Gross I know but I do wash it regularly!} Of course I purchased a purple one that can be seen through most t-shirts. {I just pretend that I can't see it}. It now has rips in it but since Little Miss is going to be turning 1 soon what is the point of buying another one now {except for the fact that she is still nursing 5 or 6 times a day and we most likely won't be done at 1 years old}
~ I have fines at my local library and books that are late but I am too lazy to put all the kids in the car to drive to the library. Also, the 2 books I am literally dying to read are on the "holdshelf". I really don't know what that means but I am guessing I can't check them out. {FYI, I want to read 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker and Bittersweet: thoughts on change, grace, and learning the hard way by Shauna Niequist}
~ Most days Little Miss stays in the onesie she slept in until 4 pm after her nap. She used to take a nap about 2 hours after she woke up and I would do it then but now she doesn't go down until 1. She still has to eat lunch and that makes her super messy so leaving her in the same onesie is just easier.
~ Lastly, I have decided that Little Miss needs to marry Prince George Alexander Lewis of Cambridge. I used to dream about marrying Prince William obviously that never happened. Maybe Little Miss will have a shot. Who knows? (I am kidding ... kind of)
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