Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Full Day of 4th Grade!! {How to Pack Little Man's Lunch}

How cute is he?!?!? I cannot believe he is a 4th grade! He looks so big!

Anyway ... back to school means packing lunches for Little Man!! 

Little Man eats like a grown man. When I used to allow him to purchase hot lunches from school he would end up buying 2 lunches because 1 never filled him up. So now I make sure I have a bunch of lunch foods so that he is filled up. 
{Just remember he only gets 25 minutes to eat everything}

This year I finally gave in and bought him a new lunch box. {He may or may not have gone to school with a SpeedRacer lunch box since 1st grade}
This lunch box is Chicago Bears colors so it wins bonus points for me!
Mom of the Year Award goes to me!

Little Man's lunch includes ...
a wild cherry juice box
ranch dressing
goldfish crackers
a peach cup
a peanut butter and strawberry sandwich

Here I have it all packed away in his lunch box!

Lastly ... I leave my Little Man a sweet note telling him how much I miss him and to have a great day!

His first lunch for his first full day of 4th grade. 

What kind of items do you put in your child's lunch box?

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