Sunday, January 30, 2011

I cannot believe it is already Sunday night!

Wow! This weekend really flew by with my getting very little accomplished. 

I did spend an amazing Friday night with my college girlfriends. We had a glass of wine (Pinot Grigio – my favorite!), snacked on some yummy treats, gobbled up slices of pizza, and chatted until the wee hours of the morning.

I don’t think I have laughed that hard in so very long! It is so nice to be able to discuss school, professors, pre-clinicals/student teaching, and students with those who truly get it.

On Saturday, I slept in.

Truth be told I like being awake before the boys get up but this didn’t happen on Saturday. So from the second I was awake I was being beckoned to get drinks and breakfast. Two cinnamon rolls and a glass of apple juice later I sat down in front of the TV.

And there I sat all day. I watched movie after movie until I felt I should get up and be some what productive. So I got up and made dinner for my  family.

Dan went out to run some errands. To be honest I think he needed some space from the giggly twins (Jacob and Christian). Those two can be such a handful sometimes.

But when he came back he had a present for me!! I love that man! I honestly couldn’t ask for more in a person.


One-Yard Wonders: 101 Sewing Fabric Project; Look what you can make with one yard of fabric! By: Rebecca Yaker

I have had my eye on this book for quite some time now – well ever since I got a sewing machine from Freecycle.

This book contains 101 sewing project all using only one yard of fabric. I cannot wait to go to the store and get some fun and colorful fabrics so I can try them out.

I am pretty certain I am going to make a great big bag to hold my school books for my first project.

Today was yet another unproductive day. I woke up late again so the gigglers were already up and at ‘em. They prepared their own breakfast this morning so I settled in with a great big cup of coffee.

I didn’t go to church this morning and I already wish I had. Going to church starts my week off on the right foot and I haven’t been in a few weeks.

I did go to Johnsen & Taylor with my Mom today. I love looking around at all the wonderful Christian books, art, mugs, and trinkets. Although I am not really a trinket person. I saw so many things I would love to read and hang in my home. I did buy one book called The Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner.


I cannot wait to begin reading it although with all my classwork I doubt I will be able to complete it any time soon.

While I was gone shopping Dan hung pictures up around the house. When I came home I was so happy to see things hanging from the otherwise bare walls.

As for right now, I am doing laundry and finishing up some school work. Hopefully, I will have time tomorrow afternoon to finish the rest of it.

So that was my super unproductive weekend.

What did you get done (or not) this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. It actually sounded pretty productive to me :) Sometimes extra sleep and down time is the best thing we can "do". I love the books you shared (I am a book a holic!).


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