It started off really small I would just read Bring The Rain by Angie Smith.
I love reading what Angie has to say. She is such an amazing Christian woman. I look forward to any and all posts she writes. I pray for her and her family all the time.
Then as I was snooping around her blog I saw the button for MckMama and to pray for Stellan.
After I started reading about Stellan's story and the Many Small Children. I was hooked.
Then I started snooping around her blog and I was hooked on another blog and another blog and another blog.
Now I check on my blogs everyday. I feel like they are my best friends. I am inspired by the stay at home mothers. I am inspired by the authors. I am inspired by the decorators, the preachers wives, the preacher himself. I find myself longing to read about their lives. I relate to them when the discuss their weaknesses. I pray for them when they need to find inner strength. I laugh when funny things happen in their lives. I love all my blog friends. (Side note: Can they be your friends if all you do is stalk their blogs? I think YES!)
But the more and more I read the more I wonder ...
Is it possible to find yourself becoming a stronger Christian by reading these blogs?
Many of the blogs I read inform me of some amazing books they are reading or books that they have written.
I just ordered From Blushing Bride to Wedded Wife by Marla Taviano. (Another sidenote: I know that I am not married yet but this book helps you when you become a wife and the proceeds of the book went to an orphanage in Cambodia)
I digress. My point is I now have a wish list of books that I want to read by reading these blogs. So here is my official wish list.
* Living Simply by Joanne Heim
*Misplacing God: (And Finding Him Again) by Joanne Heim
*She's Gonna Blow! Real Help for Mom's Dealing with Anger by Julie Ann Barnhill

Ok I know that this is a short list but it will get longer the more I read these blogs.
Does anyone have any good Christian book selections for me to add to my list?
Don't worry. I am addicted to blogs too. LOL. And I do think they can be beneficial spiritually .. if the content is good.