Saturday, August 8, 2009


Have you heard about (in)courage? (In)courage is a new site that 20 women are going to share the stories of what in courages them or what gives them courage. I just checked it out tonight and I loved each story. So they asked me (well they asked everyone) to post about what in courages me.

I am (in)couraged by ...

*by my mother. I am ashamed to say that I never gave my mother the credit she deserved until now. I never knew her strength until she was required to prove it. I never thought she understood me. I sometimes wondered how she loved me even though (I thought) we were polar opposites. I know now that we are very much alike and the things we differ about I strive to be like her. She loved me unconditionally no matter what I did. She gave me strength when I thought I didn't have any left. She gives me my courage now and I am thankful for her.

*by my son. Today we were practicing soccer at Herrick Lake and he decided that he wanted to run the entire circumference of the lake. Granted it was very long but he wanted to give it a shot. Of course I had to go with him but the entire time we were running he kept saying things like "You can do it" or "Let's just run up here" and "Come on Mom we are almost there". My son makes me want to be a better person, believer, and mother. He lets me in to experience things for the first time with him. He gives me the courage to dream big.

*God. No matter where I am in my life or what is going on around me I hear God's wisdom. He reminds me that He is with me and He is never going to leave me. He proves Himself time and again that He is forever faithful. He washes me new when I ask for forgiveness. He gives me the courage to take a leap of faith when I never thought I could walk up to the edge.

What (in)courages you today?


  1. Mindy, I love these words of yours, "He gives me the courage to take a leap of faith when I never thought I could walk up to the edge." Yes, girl, yes!

  2. Nice list! I found you at the (in)courage site today. And is it ever a small world. Some of your followers are blogging friends of mine.

  3. "He gives me the courage to take a leap of faith when I never thought I could walk up to the edge." - I loved that! I'm so glad you stopped by (in)courage - thank you for sharing what encourages you!


Have a thought? Please share! I love hearing from you!!