Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Today I did NOT turn 28 years old.

Jacob did NOT wish me a Happy Birthday and then did NOT immediately tell me that I am now and old lady.

When I asked him how old he thought I was he wouldn't dare tell me that he thought I was 88 years old. NOT my son.

My mom and my boyfriend did NOT throw me an amazing birthday party tonight. Dan did NOT get me my favorite chocolate covered strawberries. My family did NOT spoil me with gift cards, beautiful cards, and yummy lip glosses. My family is NOT the best!

Earlier this past week Jacob did NOT eat a tortilla chip with habenero sauce on it for $10. He is NOT asking me for money every time he eats something now.

I did NOT close the car door on my hip this week and I did NOT give myself a huge bruise.

Well ... thats all I got this week. Come back next week to see what crazy things happened.
FYI -- I do feel better now that I aired my dirty laundry.

I hope everyone is enjoying there week.


  1. If you're an old lady, I'd hate to think what I am! ha!

    Owee! I hope your hip is okay.



  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!! Thanks for the award I need to post it,lol I'm horrible I know sorry. I'm glad you had a great day.


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